Out of his Mouth
Logan Rogers
Before reviewing this book I have
to state the following: I am reviewing this book based on what the author has
shared about his experiences with Fred and Marcella Williams and his Glory in
the Lord sermons. I will not state in this review whether I agree or disagree
with what he is saying about Fred Williams and his manner of prayer. I am
strictly sharing the letter from Fred Williams as told by our author Logan
Some events that you experience can
change the way you look at life and your perspective at the same time. Meeting
one person can teach you many different ways to understand the meaning of many
truths that you failed to realize before. As the author introduces not only
himself and Maureen to Fred Williams we learn of how he helped those he greets
and encounters to experience the Freedom of Worship, the bliss of the Glory
Gatherings and the words he bestows on each person as he places his hands on
them and restores the many gifts, he as the Lord can that day. The man, Fred
Williams, his letters and words and understandings written by first time author
Robert Logan Rogers.
As the author describes the energy
and the way Fred captures and envelopes those coming to hear his sermon you can
feel the fire the fervor and the joys that he bestowed on others as we get to
know Fred Williams. With his prayer partner Peggy our author invited Fred
Williams to a weekend in the mountains. Sharing his life as he dealt with a
divorce, his dark hours and finally releasing himself as spirit sings out the
darkness would break. Entering Logan’s house Fred not only made his presence
known but that or the Lord too by saying his presence was there in a big way.
Reaching out to them and sharing his message about communion, the elements and
“our tasting of God’s goodness,” would start the weekend off in a huge way.
The author’s journey did not begin
with meeting Fred. It began with a vision that he had before meeting him. A
vision that encompassed something so powerful that most people would deny it
ever happened yet it did. Imagine seeing people releasing a sound in unison as
the crickets did when he broke through the darkness worshipping at home. Powerful
and definitely life changing as he would experience this once again with his
wife Maureen many times over. Music seems to play an important part and when
hearing a song or a tune on the radio, the author states that with Fred, if
your “doctrine was established and the need to find it in the Bible critical,
the your reference point would be challenged.” If seems that Fred would place a
boulder or obstacle in your path in order to challenge your patience. Fred was
known as the man who knows all things.
The author includes a short
subtopic in Chapter Five titled, “Stumbling Blocks,” which allows the reader
along with the others to see if the “subtleness of idolatry existed.” Interestingly
enough he sates that many do not believe unless they see it in the Bible. His
challenge to those present was whether the Lord’s voice comes through without
focusing on his outer appearance. Several though provoking questions follow and
the reader can decide their own response as he continues with several other
subtopics, such as Nokomis Came by Night, the Kingdom of Heaven Suffers
Violence and Rejoice in the Lord. But, what follows next explains their meeting
on one Sunday where the wine was starting to turn from water and when he and
the others drank is there was a grape aroma, no alcohol taste and the
“intoxication from heaven began.”
A Time for Everything Under Heaven,
But Be Filled with Spirit focusing on the breaking of the curse, drinking wine
not made3 from the elements of earth and therefore not subjected to the curse.
Drinking Heaven’s wine and sharing his stories enlightens the reader about the
author’s experiences with Fred and many others. But, when Fred refers to the
angels he refers to them by name and the author related a story early on in
this book and revisits it in this chapter. When Maureen, his wife, that the
sign of Heaven fell from the sky in the form of a gemstone as diamond fell at
the foot of a pregnant woman, he was skeptical.
The author’s voice comes through
loud and clear and his thoughts about Fred, his sermons and much more are
discussed and questioned. In Chapter 8 the author shares Fred’s thoughts on
jealousy and defines it as a poison feeling in insecurity. He once again refers
to the gemstones and questions as to whether these stones who these stones are
for what they are missing when listening to Fred as well as doubt being cast as
to the value of the diamond that fell being worthless. Fred and his wife
Marcella were accused of using sleight-of-hand magic. They would respond by
keeping silent. Anger engulfed many of the followers and one follower named Alan
stated that darkness came over him and could not understand why. Leaving the
trial in pain of rejection both Fred and Marcella could not believe the turn of
events. What followed would be numerous phone calls from their leader demanding
that they both repent. Their leader, believe it or not was their main accuser
and many calls of warnings were received as both refused to repent. Meetings
were canceled and doors slammed and Marcella seemed to be affected the hardest
by the personal attacks on Fred’s character. Fred was not accepted within his
own town and there is much more to come as the author shares Fred’s reflections
on his time in prison.
The author is sharing the events
that he documented first hand as a journalist and have seen and witnessed from his
own experiences. He included eyewitness accounts of what he experienced. He is
not trying to convince the reader or anyone else to believe in the super
natural or in the possibility of miracles. His voice and thoughts are
interesting, honest, truthful and quite insightful.
His prison sentence seemed to be
the start of his enlightenment as he had gone through four marriages, four
homes, fathered children that he never would know except to provide for them
and had time to contemplate his actions and fate. Then, a new cellmate arrived
who was a former Assistant Pastor and he asked him poignant questions for the one-month
he was there
As the author brings to light the
issue of Angels that many people speak to and believe in. Angel of light can
appear as an angel of deception and the author discusses the many different
controversies about Angels and how they appear and learning to know the
difference of each Angel which he states requires intimacy with the Lord to
help sharpen out skills in telling good from evil. He follows with other
references in the chapter to Angels, Fred’s understanding of Angels and the
many that we need and that came to him.
Attending a black Pentecostal
church Fred seemed to be accepted at first. But, with so many accusations
following him they never knew what would happen next it would resemble a witch
hunt and the leader was pursuing him the most and know one knew when the other
shoe would fall. Therefore, Logan and many others decided to attend a biker
church and the friend who invited Logan invited some of the worship leaders
that he knew. Fred would be there too. But, the reception for Fred and the
restrictions placed on him were not what Logan expected. But, Fred adhered to
them and sat in the rear of the church but our author was angry. There is much
more that the author shares about this meeting, the pastor of the church and
the warnings she received about Fred. What they decided to do about to this and
whether they would fight back was discussed on pages 58-59. In Chapter 12 the
author shares some really interesting stories about a man named Joshua Mills
and his account of being translated to China and a group of Asian people and
the experience was eye opening and the end result you will have to read for
yourself. Other references to the Bible are sited within this chapter. With his
relationship with Maureen strained he leaves for a retreat with this friends in
Kentucky hoping that she will change her mind join him. One phone call and a
vivid description of a dream would drastically change things for both Logan and
William Branum’s angel came to Fred
and he shared his message with the congregation. The message as Fred relates it
to the congregation was that there would be a ten -year period of blessings,
including unusual signs and wonders. The angel brought this message to everyone
through Fred. But the strongest and most powerful part of this chapter was his
description of Fred when he anointed people and their reactions including his.
There is so much that I could share with you but you need to experience some of
this yourself as you read the book, hear Fred’s words and how the author brings
them to you in his amazing way. Angels Communicate in Hebrew, Wise Virgins, A
special letter from Logan to Fred, A Trip Up North including Fred praying with
a waitress, gathering at a kitchen table and feeling the weight of God’s glory
in the room and finally Validation and Endorsements ending with the story of
the gemstone and how it came out of a man’s mouth and where the stone winds up.
The final story about a little boy witnessing or seeing gemstones coming out of
Fred’s mouth as a little boy stated that “angels were throwing them at Fred.”
You decide for yourself as you read this book what you believe and what you
might be skeptical about. Out of His Mouth is where these stones came from as
related by our author who witnessed it first hand. A very though provoking book
about a man named Fred Williams as told by our author Logan Rogers.
Fran Lewis: reviewer
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