A Simple Twist on Normalcy
Kersten L. Kelly
have to right to choose what they buy and where they purchase their goods. Some
prefer buying in stores while other use the convenience of the Internet to
research and explore the many avenues opened to purchase small ticket items
such as makeup, toiletries or even household supplies. Many use the net
research the housing market, colleges and the costs of tuition and some even to
buy cars. Consumers have many opportunities to purchase goods in an informed
way. The author in this book helps the reader understand the meaning of
elasticity, inelasticity, substitute good and much more. She even explains the
connection between education and income, the housing bubble and many other
issues and topics that I will highlight in my review.
is defined by the author as, “ the science that deals with production,
distribution, consumption of goods and services, or the material welfare of
humankind.” But, for purposes of my review I will try to break it down into
simpler terms. This review will highlight what the author wrote and her
presentation. Since my fields of expertise are reading and writing in the
educational field, I will highlight the areas in her book that I found rather
informative and that I hope will encourage you to read it. Whether you know it
you not everyday you employ some form of economics in your daily life. “ The
goal of this book is to shed some positive light on economic theory and evaluation,”
as stated by the author. Economics she states is a powerful tool. Everyone in
the world drinks milk or most people do. If milk prices increased exponentially
of a period of a year, and if you remember at one point in time they did, would
you switch to something else as your source of calcium because that product is
cheaper? What is the highest price you would be willing to pay for a gallon of
milk? Great question. Think about your answer.
are many questions the author asks the reader to consider on page 17 and each
one is quite interesting and compelling if you really think about them. Driving
on the highway to a store to shop, get gas or just doing errands requires that
your car is filled with gas. Whether you want to pay for gas, groceries or any
other commodity you have no choice but to spend the money for certain staples
in your life. Cigarettes are really quite expensive and those who smoke must
really need the nicotine and although I am sure that have read the health
warnings on the label and know they can cause serious heath problems, would
increasing taxes and raising the price even more deter them from smoking?
Economics will make everyone better off! Economics strives to create an outcome
that will be better for the person involved in wanting a specific commodity.
For example: Candy: Because candy seems to be something that many feel is a
great treat or reward they feel better when eating it. I do not eat candy but
for those that do like our author this rates high on the utility meter. People
measure their happiness according the author with a designation of utility
meaning the better something is from the point of view of the consumer the
higher the utility measure it yields. Hence: Candy. The author follows with
what happened when she received an email that enticed her and many others to
participate in an experiment. Deciding to become part of this testing group was
easy as she realized she could profit by making some money. As you read Chapter
One you will learn more about the experiment and how she related it to the
Prisoner Theory dealing with how the police question prisoners and get them to
either confess or deny that they committed a crime. Next she focuses on
cigarette ads and how they appeal to the emotions of those viewing them. She
states that men who smoke in these pictures are considered more masculine then
men who do not smoke. She even references women who smoke or smoked the long
thin cigarettes and are pictured in these ads as being portrayed as ultra
feminine. The author research this and found examples to back up her statements
which you can read on pages 21-29. Added into this research she sites a 1998
huge piece of legislation that was passed concerning the tobacco companies and
stricter regulations placed on them in order to sell their product. Within the
rest of Chapter One the author includes information about the Cold War, more
about gas prices, professional football players using enhancing drugs in order
to play better and the tobacco industry.
2 discusses the payout matrix and the second part of the Prisoner Theory. In
Chapter 3 would definitely interest most readers as she goes into gas prices in
depth and the effect it has on drivers. Drivers are consumers that need gas.
Case prices are definitely a sensitive issue. We know that certain vehicles
require more gas and others more expensive gas in order to operate their cars,
trucks, vans or buses. Gas of course is in demand and she defines it as an
inelastic commodity. Filling up the take or going to the market you have no
choice but to spend the money for the things you need to use in your daily
life. She expands by explaining the differences between elastic and inelastic
goods. Goods she definite as elastic are inelastic are based on the market
demand as the price changes. Goods that are considered more elastic: when the
price of the good drops dramatically the number of people who want it usually
increases. If the price of the good increases the number of people that want it
might decline. She elaborates more on pages 48-51. Cigarettes are a primary
example of an inelastic good for consumers have no direct substitute that
provides the same expense. Higher prices still do not deter people from buying
Four discusses Luxury Good on A Recessional Budget. She goes back to the
Prisoner’s Dilemma, includes the Theory of Inequity Aversion. The theory that I
will elaborate on is the Lipstick Theory, which everyone can relate to. To
explain this in simple terms the Lipstick effect states, “ When consumers face
an economic crisis such as a recession, they will purchase less costly luxury
goods to feel the material void.” In other words rather than buying a fur coat
or high end car they will buy expensive lipsticks, shoes, hair products and go
for visits to a spa or extra manicures and pedicures to fill the void or their
need for luxury. The rest of this chapter elaborates it and gives more examples
for the reader. Chapter Five goes into the Theory of Dynamic Inconsistency. She
also discusses in this chapter the Housing Bubble. The final three chapters
deal with football tickets sold outside of the stadium before a game, How can
Intangible Goods Bring Consumers Together and much more. Chapter 7 deals with
How can Framing Impact a Consumer’s Decisions Making Process and the last
chapter Why Does Comparing Three Goods Change Perspective. In this chapter she
uses the example of the consumer going into a store to purchase a television
and comparing three different brands, their features, costs and more.
a book that highlights a small glimpse of economics and imparting this
information to the reader is hopefully what this author has succeeded in doing.
Economics as she states many times throughout this book is part of our everyday
lives and the real world. Read this book and see which areas apply to you,
which areas you would like to know more about and decide how economics impacts
your life. The book is concise, well written and to the point. To decide what
you think about this topic and if it is really a simple twist to normalcy you
will have to read it for yourself.
Lewis: reviewer
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